Take the trauma and drama out of creating your online presence
You already know that you not having online presence is affecting your business, and practice.
Imagine having all of this completely DONE for you... This is not a training, you will have three of these complete in thirty days.
Your Website (W/email and schedule integration)
Your Email
Your Logo
Your Social Media (automated)
Your Email Integration
A Business Card
A Podcast
A Blog
If technology is triggering your trauma, you are in the right place! Let's celebrate you got here! This all happens in a month's time. Yes you read that right. We are not messing around here, your time is precious and your business and practice deserve to be seen, so you can do what you do for more people.
You are not getting trained or taught how to use technology.
Here's how it goes: You show up, and answer the questions that bring out your genius, your genius gets translated into the technology that serves you best, you approve it, and poof, you're now online and you are visible to new clients, customers and patients who can now easily find online.
This is a one month program, once we are complete there is a maintence program that is available.
Meet Shane B. Kulman, MS SpEd

Enchantress of Visibility
Greetings, I'm Shane, visibility is my jam. I am an artist, and business owner. I am quick on the draw and create fast results for all things online. I was made to realize this during a session I offered called "Get Sh*t Done" and by accident I was sharing my screen, and all the participants were in awe. So secretly I began helping folks who had long standing businesses who were completely frustrated with their inability to deal with technology and design. Strut you Stuff was born!
In my company of Celebrate Your Soul, I mentor creative, multi-passionate sensitive folks to get clear on their concepts, their ideas, and support them to "get it out there!"
Hiding, procrastinating, perfectionism can be a plague, but when we show up for each other, we get sh*t done!
Cheers to that! Let's celebrate you and get others to FIND YOU, so you can do the work you already do.
Who is this for?
*If you've been in your business and practice for years and you KNOW your genius.
*You could be a therapist, a coach, consultant, or artist.
*You will get: A static website, social media ready for automation for 30 days, a blog, a podcast, a business card, brand and logo.
These are deliverables that are guaranteed after the month we work together. If you are interested in working together AFTER the initial month, there is a maintenance program. Each item that is created is gorgeous and simple, for example if you want a dynamic and clickable website, that will be an outside resource NOT included in your program .
This program is to have an online presence that is authentic, attractive and accessible.
Sample Website: www.helenwintrobphd.com/